
John Shiver

Since 1994 John has traveled across America and around the world bringing a fresh impartation of the Holy Spirit to people through crusades, pastor’s conferences, and ministry in local churches. The ministry has conducted over 3,500 meetings in 56 denominations and fellowships on five continents.

When the Word of God is preached and the Holy Spirit is honored, the gospel of Jesus Christ has dynamic, life-changing power! We have been privileged to see God move mightily in people around the world.

John holds a B.A. degree in psychology from the University of West Florida, a Master of Divinity and a M.A.R. degree in pastoral counseling from Asbury Theological Seminary, and a ThD from School of Bible Theology Seminary.

John is married to his wife Evette who holds a B.A. in elementary education from the University of West Florida and a M.A. in education form Eastern Kentucky University.

The Shiver’s pastored for 12 years both in the United Methodist Church and a non-denominational church that they founded before traveling to America and the nations full-time.

John and Evette have been married for forty years and currently live in Florida near their three adult children and two perfect grandchildren.