Our aim is to promote community well-being by tackling loneliness to make our community a better place


To provide a platform for collaborative work, support, integration, and networking for local groups to share information and reach out to people in need To raise family befriending champions that support elderly people to enjoy an active life Promote and organize a well-being awareness campaign among age 50 plus ethnic minorities in the society.

To promote health & Well-being for families by providing health awareness workshops and referral services for young people and their parents

The people we will be working with will include the disadvantaged.

Unemployed youth are excluded from society because there is not enough scope available to include them. We need to be working alongside them. According to Thanet’s community profile, the population of Birchington as a whole, is older than the national average, as well as the Kent average, making Birchington an older person location; due to this situation, the rate of unemployment in Birchington is both higher than the average for Kent and higher than the national average; this affects both the economic and health profile of the community. Current mental health issues are a challenge along with the disabled, ex-offenders wanting to resettle, and those with learning difficulties affecting unemployability.

We aim to work alongside the Job Centre to offer further training opportunities for Job Seekers. UK Statistics show NEETS for July-September 2018 for 16-24-year-olds at 760,000, not in education, employment, or training, Although this number adjusts throughout the year that adjustment figure is minimal down 23,000 in June 2018. but the numbers remain persistently and seriously extremely and negatively high. Birchington has a serious challenge on its hands, along with the country. NEETs would fit well into this program. It will raise their hopes

Thanet Community Project aims to reduce stress, unemployment, loneliness, and abuse. Our community has an increasing number of underprivileged families; vulnerable adults and lone parents. It will tackle loneliness and mental health issues that exist among those struggling for employment, at the same time enabling older skilled people to become active members of society once again by sharing valuable experiences and helping others & the less fortunate in the community, to advance. simply not enough jobs for our school leavers. A therapeutic Radio based opportunity is envisaged to teach Podcasting & Presenting skills & using Voice-over as a career.

There is currently a niche in the market for using one’s Voice. Podcasting is currently the up-and-coming trend. Companies pay for jingles, advertising, marketing, notifications, running events, etc. I finished a course on this involving my own Radio station. People are dropping Facebook in favor of Podcasting. Voice offers opportunities in the field of acting. How many presenters read the 10 p.m News? BBC TV uses different presenters often.

Targeted Websites are sales platforms holding blueprint success for Pod-casters. It’s artistic, involving, hands-on, therapeutic, a concentration-holder & engrossing, bringing mind & stress relief. Above all, it is creative and therefore satisfying.

We have two main themes that will establish self-worth and usefulness. Retired people often become withdrawn, isolated, feeling no longer useful to society, and cast aside, and yet they are the Universe of Life. Young or old, many develop mental health problems centered around loneliness/lacking of confidence. Older people have much to offer to the younger generation especially those who are unable to attend university but who need a knowledge bank of life skills, patience, and perfection they are yet lacking. This project encourages the elderly to work alongside the Youth imparting skills and knowledge from which they will both benefit.

We will work with other charities holding similar concerns, and aim to:-

a.) Make our community a better place to cherish family empowerment and well-being.

b.) To run family support projects that provide self-enhancement training opportunities for the unemployed.

c.) Support the underprivileged/disadvantaged/disabled youth and adults.

d). Establish training for school leavers and job seekers.

e.) Establish a befriending service.

f.) Establish an empowerment program.

g.) Embrace and use the skills within the project, for the elderly isolated.

h.) Raise hopes.

i). Encourage ‘out of the box’ thinking.

j.) All of which will Mentor entrepreneurialism and self-employment.

If you would like more information about the Thanet Community Project or would like to become involved in the delivery of a skill set or feel you have something to offer the project, then please contact us either by email at or call 07976 210 438.

Account No: 59074248
Sort Code: 600203
Account Name: Iris White – Radio TCR